Unit-Level Journey to Excellence Continues in 2024!
Each year, Scouting Units are encouraged to complete their Journey to Excellence (JTE) scorecard, to help identify their successes and challenges. Each annual scorecard helps a Unit create plans for program improvement in the year ahead using a graded scale for objectives like planning and budgeting, membership, program, and volunteer leadership. Unit-level Journey to Excellence continues in 2024! Per the JTE website:
Journey to Excellence (JTE) is the Boy Scouts of America program to help Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships and Posts to plan, monitor and evaluate their performance and their ability to serve youth. There are specific criteria for the unit to plan and accomplish.
JTE is a number of performance measurements that are known to make for a successful Scouting program. It is designed as a planning tool. The Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, or Post leadership reviews the performance measurements and makes plans to achieve as many objectives as possible. There are four major areas that Journey to Excellence focuses on, planning and budgeting, membership, program, and volunteer leadership. Each of the four major areas has specific and measurable objectives. These standards are reviewed each year and if needed, revised.
Each objective has a point value and uses a balanced scorecard approach. This allows for excellence in some areas and effective in others and still have an excellent program. Each of the performance standards has three levels of achievement, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Achieving gold gets you maximum points. Adding up all the points for the performance standards gives you overall total points that equal Bronze, Silver, or Gold.
Achieving bronze is delivering an effective program and should be celebrated. Silver is considered to have an excellent program. Gold is exceptional and is difficult to achieve year after year.
Unit leadership can download program-specific JTE scorecards and supporting materials at https://www.scouting.org/awards/journey-to-excellence/.
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