Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badge Counselor


Merit Badge Counselor is a vital role in Scouting. By serving as a Counselor, you are able to share your knowledge and expertise with a Scout that may result in a new hobby or future career.

Being a Counselor is a District position.  In order to register, you must be 18 years old, complete an Adult Application for position code 42 (even if you are already registered in another position), and a Merit Badge Counselor Information Form listing the badges you would like to teach. These must be submitted along with a current Youth Protection Certificate.

In order to protect the integrity of the program, adults serving as counselors should have an expertise in the fields they are registered for.  Some badges require specific training certifications, such as Archery, Rifle Shooting, Shotgun Shooting, Canoeing, Kayaking, Rowing, Scuba Diving, and Whitewater.

Citizenship in Society counselors will work only with Scouts in their troop and require unit approval with the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair signature at the bottom of the Merit Badge Form, in addition to online Diversity training and a Council orientation class.

You will be notified when you have been accepted and can begin to counsel Scouts. The application process including background check can take approximately 4-6 weeks.

Once you are registered, you will need to go into your Scoutbook account to set your availability preferences.  Click on My Dashboard > My Account > My Positions > Merit Badge Counselor.  Choose your preferences and click Update.  Lists of local Counselors are now available in Scoutbook, and new additions are uploaded nightly.

Merit Badge Counselor registrations are renewed annually in June. A renewal notice will be sent to all registered counselors in the spring listing the badges they are registered for, along with options to add or change badges. If you are dropped as a counselor, you will need to re-apply and fill out all required forms again.

Merit Badge Counselors are now available in Scoutbook, and new additions are uploaded nightly.

Adult Applications and other forms

Merit Badge Counselor Information Form

Counselor Guide

List of merit badges and their requirements.

BSA Guide to Advancement

Misinformation Concerning Merit Badge Counselors