Helpful Scoutbook FAQs

Helpful Scoutbook FAQs

Scoutbook is BSA’s web-based unit management tool used by leaders and parents to track the advancement of Scouts in the program.  It also serves as a communication tool, allows for simple communication, generates permission forms, as well as the tracking of service hours, hiking, and camping.  It also features easy-to-use calendars that can track attendance and RSVPs as well as sync meeting dates and special events onto your device and unit website.

Though units are not required to subscribe, it is a free service provided to every unit that automatically syncs with the website and Council records and is, therefore, highly recommended.  Here are some Helpful Scoutbook FAQs to simplify your experience.

Council Policy Regarding Advancement Reports

Internet Advancement 2.0 and synced Scoutbook accounts are the only manner by which each Cub Scout Pack, Scout BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, and Sea Scout Ship is to record its advancement in the Heart of Virginia Council.

This requirement brings the Heart of Virginia Council in line with other councils in our area that have already eliminated paper advancement forms to bring Scout records up-to-date. When purchasing all rank badges, merit badges, and Venture and Sea Scouts ranks, except for the rank of Eagle Scout, the Scout Shop will only accept printouts from Internet Advancement 2.0 or advancement reports from Scoutbook which indicate that the advancements have been synced to Akela (the new version of Scoutnet). The Scoutbook report will indicate “synced with BSA national database” in the bottom right corner of the report.

The Scoutbook team is already hard at work on the next wave of improvements to this release, meaning Scoutbook will just keep getting better and better— but we need your help! A feedback mechanism is available within the den leader experience and we welcome constructive feedback and great ideas from folks who share our passion for continuous improvement.  Your feedback only improves our Helpful Scoutbook FAQs!

Thank you for reviewing our Helpful Scoutbook FAQs!

See Also: Summertime Fun Adventure