Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors!

Citizenship in Society

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors

The new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge became required for all Scouts as of July 1, 2022.   Counselors are needed ASAP!

Since this badge is to be taught in small groups to Scouts within their own Troop, the Heart of Virginia Council needs every troop to select at least one person who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery. The counselor will facilitate discussions with the Scouts as they seek to further understand the diverse world we live in.

We need each Scout BSA Troop to have a designated Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor in order to fulfill the objectives of the badge. Unit leaders and Committees, think about who is best suited to guide your scouts, on this personal journey.

To become a registered counselor for this badge, candidates will need to submit the Merit Badge Counselor Information Form, with a unit approval signature from either the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair on the bottom. If the candidate is not currently registered as a counselor they will also need to submit an adult application for district position code 42, even if already registered in a unit. They will need to take the “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Scouting” volunteer training at and complete a council orientation session. These sessions will be scheduled as more potential counselors are identified.

Please visit our Training Page often for new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Orientation training sessions, added regularly.