Legacy Giving

Friends of Scouting Forever

Friends of Scouting Forever

The Heart of Virginia Council provides various ways to invest in the youth of our community. Your support through these programs and events are our most important source of funding. Our pledge is to spend wisely in helping units be successful and in creating opportunities for youth to join Scouting. Please note that all donations are tax-deductible.

The Boy Scouts prepare youth to enhance the quality of life for themselves, residents of the Central Virginia region, the citizens of Central Virginia, the nation, and the world.  Consider a gift to endow your Friends of Scouting gift through your estate plans.

Please consider sustaining your Friends of Scouting gift:

Please consider sustaining your annual FOS giving. You can continue to impact Scouts for generations to come by making a gift to the Boy Scouts of America endowment equal to 25 times your annual giving.  For example:

If your current annual Friends of Scouting gift is:
  • $1,000: Your gift is endowed with a $25,000 bequest.
  • $2,500: Your gift is endowed with a $62,500 bequest.
  • $5,000: Your gift is endowed with a $125,000 bequest.
How to Incorporate the Boy Scouts of America into your Estate Plans:

There are many different ways to make a legacy gift.  Some of the more common gift plans are a bequest, a charitable remainder trust, and a gift of a life insurance policy or a retirement plan.

Giving vehicles:
  • Include the Boy Scouts in your will by adding a simple codicil or amendment
  • Designate gifts of cash, stock, property or valuables
  • Name the Heart of Virginia Council BSA as the beneficiary of a retirement account, life insurance policy, investment, trust, or annuity.
  • $10,000: Your gift is endowed with a $250,000 bequest.
For questions or to make a Friends of Scouting Forever gift, please contact

George McGovern
(770) 468-5600