Please Welcome Melissa Bartholomew (back) to the HOVC Scouting Family!
Melissa received her Associates in Grief Counseling, with a second in Human Services from John Tyler Community College. She is returning to Heart of Virginia Council after having taken a leave of absence. She formerly served as one of our Reservation Food Managers, and will be returning to take part of that role again. She is passionate about Scouting, cooking, baking, fishing, spending time at the Rivah and board games.
Melissa and her family have a Scouting background. She has been active and involved for the past 12 years with her children Ty-Zachary, Anakin and Pacience. Ty-Zachary and Anakin are both Eagle Scouts from Troop 184, and Pacience is currently working on her Eagle.
Melissa has been active serving with the leadership programs offered to our Scouts and Scouters. Melissa is currently serving on Buckskin staff. She was the Skipper of Ship 169, and loved introducing Heart of Virginia Council to Sea Scouting, and is a Vigil Honor in Order of the Arrow. She and her children all have worked at T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp.
Melissa is our new Customer Service / Program Assistant, and you will see her smiling face behind the front desk at the Leadership Center!