John McCulla Earns Silver Antelope Award

John McCulla

John McCulla Earns Silver Antelope Award

Heart of Virginia Council Scouter John K. McCulla earns the Silver Antelope Award! This award recognizes distinguished service of exceptional character to youth by a Scouting volunteer. Recipients must be nominated by their region and presented by the National Court of Honor. Congratulations, John!

John’s Silver Antelope Bio

One of John’s most fulfilling roles in his 19 years as a volunteer in Scouting has been that of Scoutmaster, for which he earned the Scoutmaster Award of Merit and was chosen for the national BSA Outstanding Scoutmaster program. He takes deep satisfaction knowing he positively impacted the lives of many boys – including his son, James – on their path to becoming good fathers, faithful men, and better citizens and neighbors in their communities. He built up many great memories of backpacking, camping, trekking in Philmont, and sharing stories around the warmth of the campfire.

In his role as Area 7 President, John has proudly served the 12 councils of Virginia and North Carolina that comprise Area 7. Previously, he served as the area’s commissioner, Vice President of Leadership and Performance, a nominating committee member, Vice President of Program Impact, and Wood Badge Coordinator. For the Heart of Virginia Council, he has served as Council President, Council Commissioner, Vice President of Annual Fundraising, and District Chairman. John is a Silver Beaver Award recipient, and he and his wife, Ann, are members of the Second Century Society with Distinction.

Professionally, John spent his career at Accenture, the global management consulting firm, advising and working with global investment firms, retail banks, and insurance companies. He retired as a partner in Accenture’s Financial Services practice.

John attends St. Bridget Catholic Church, where he chairs the Finance Council. He is a Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus council at St. Bridget. He serves as chair of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond’s Committee on Catholic Scouting.

John and Ann live in Richmond, VA. They have two daughters – Theresa and Bridie – and a son, James, who is an Eagle Scout. They are blessed as well with three wonderful sons- and daughter-in-law-Brian, Francesco, and Carrie – and two cute and amusing grandchildren, Nina and Lorenzo (both of whom may someday be Scouts!).

John is pleased to receive the Silver Antelope Award, and thanks all fellow Scouters that have contributed to his success in Scouting. He hopes he has contributed as much to their Scouting efforts! And, he gives thanks to God for all His blessings!






Council Recognition