Todd Martin Receives The Community Foundation’s Stettinius Award
We are pleased to announce that Todd Martin, our Deputy Scout Executive, has been selected to receive The Community Foundation’s Stettinius Award for Non-Profit Leadership. He is one of three recipients this year who will receive a grant of up to $10,000 to apply toward their professional development goals. Todd has selected to participate in the University of Richmond’s mini-MBA program this fall, attend a non-profit story telling conference in November, and take an online course through the University of Massachusetts – Amherst in LEAN management. The national council of the Boy Scouts has started to use LEAN, which is similar to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma.
As you know, Todd is a great representative and leader for the Scouting organization and he works hard every day to grow and improve Scouting. We are very proud of Todd for this special recognition by The Community Foundation!
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