Internet Advancement
Reporting advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America, and entering it directly into the BSA system through an Internet portal is an easy, accurate way to do so and it ensures that it is done properly. On November 16, 2017, the Executive Board of the Heart of Virginia Council passed a resolution making advancement reporting through the National system mandatory for recording ranks, merit badges, and awards for all Heart of Virginia Council units.
Internet Advancement 2.0
Internet Advancement 2.0 provides a simpler, faster, and better web-based interface designed to function on any platform, desktop, tablet, and smartphone. The upgrade includes all the features you enjoyed in the past, including the ability to upload advancement files from your 3rd party unit management software. Contact your 3rd party unit management vendor for more information.
Internet Advancement 2.0 it will use the same Access Control system as My.Scouting and Scoutbook. The unit Key 3 (Charter Organization Representative, Committee Chair, & Unit Leader), Key 3 Delegates, and Unit Advancement Chair listed in Organization Security Manager (My.Scouting) will be able to enter advancement updates. We highly recommend that one of your unit Key 3 go into Organization Security Manager right away to ensure that the unit Advancement Chair has been designated.
*Only the Unit Key 3 will have access to Internet 2.0, unless one of your Key 3 goes into My.Scouting and designates a Unit Advancement Chair and/or Key 3 Delegate. It may take up to 72 hours for the request to be processed.
Internet Advancement
Internet Advancement 2.0 and synced Scoutbook accounts will be the only manner by which each Cub Scout Pack, Scouts BSA Troop, Venturing Crew, and Sea Scout Ship will record its advancement in the Heart of Virginia Council.
This requirement will bring the Heart of Virginia Council in line with other councils in our area that have already eliminated paper advancement forms to bring Scout records up-to-date. When purchasing all rank badges, except for the rank of Eagle Scout, merit badges, and Venture and Sea Scout Ranks the Scout Shop will only accept printouts from Internet Advancement 2.0 or advancement reports from Scoutbook which indicate that the advancements have been synced to Akela (the new version of Scoutnet). The Advancement Report will indicate “synced with BSA national database” at the bottom of the page.
Mandatory advancement reporting for all units will support the council’s incentive for Gold JTE units that perform a FOS presentation to be able to receive cloth rank badges free of charge from the Scout Shop.
Why is it important to record advancement?
The BSA requires units to report this information to the Heart of Virginia Council. When advancement reporting is used properly, it alleviates issues in documenting progress as Scouts submit applications or transfer from one unit to another within the program. Consistent and constant reporting also assures accurate records for use by Unit Commissioners, other district and council volunteers, and the National Council.
Use advancement reporting software to do the following:
- Add ranks, merit badges, and awards for your Scouts.
- Update information on existing advancements and awards (except the Eagle Scout Rank, Venturing Summit Rank, and Sea Scout Quartermaster Rank).
Ranks and awards must be recorded based on program identification (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts) and in the correct rank and date sequence. The Eagle Scout Rank, Venturing Summit Rank, and Sea Scout Quartermaster Rank cannot be recorded electronically. Other awards such as those for meritorious action, and awards that are controlled by other organizations, must be submitted using the appropriate application form(s). The submittal location varies based on the award.
Benefits of advancement reporting:
- Provides a straightforward and direct method of reporting.
- Eliminates issues with deciphering handwriting.
- Records ranks, badges, and awards in accordance with BSA advancement policies.
- Consolidates data files to reduce or eliminate record gaps when Scouts transfer units within the Council.
- Supports national data analysis for advancement statistics (including Journey to Excellence).
- Ensures that advancement records are accurate and complete for every registered Scout.
- Secure website with high encryption protects Scouts’ information.
- Records can be corrected before and after submittal.
- Records from third-party software can be uploaded.
How Does Online Advancement 2.0 Reporting Work?
The unit assigns an adult as the “Unit Advancement Chair” to record advancements in Organization Security Manger in My.Scouting tools. The website allows the Unit Advancement Chair to upload advancement information from third party platforms such as but not limited to:
- PackMaster
- TroopMaster
Units can upload files created from PackMaster or TroopMaster software or enter information manually.
How Often Should I Report Advancements?
It is recommended that units report advancement weekly, don’t wait until you are ready to award them to record them. Units must submit anything not yet reported before December 31st of each year. These reporting cycles are important because they support local and National Council data collection for the Journey to Excellence program, and will keep youth membership and advancement records up-to-date. It also makes applying for the Eagle Scout Rank, Venturing Summit Award, and the Sea Scouts Quartermaster Award or transferring to another council easier.
Reports Available Through Internet Advancement 2.0 and Scoutbook
Units are able to print reports without needing to contact their District Executive or the Heart of Virginia Council Registrar. These reports include:
- Unit Advancement Summary Report shows ranks, merit badges, and awards for all currently registered youth in the unit.
- Individual Advancement Report for each Scout.
- Unit Purchase Order lists the new ranks, merit badges, and awards as a shopping list.
*Please Note: The first time you log into the advancement system, we strongly suggest that you compare the recorded advancements against your records. If your records include advancements that are not recorded, please record them.
After submitting advancements, please make sure that you:
- Print the Unit Advancement Report from Internet Advancement 2.0 or Scoutbook. You will need this printout in order to purchase rank patches, merit badges, and awards in the Scout Shop. (Cub Scout Adventure Loops and Webelos Adventure Pins do not need to be recorded but it is strongly encouraged to do so.)
- Have the appropriate people sign the printed Unit Advancement Report
- Per the Guide to Advancement Section Electronic Advancement Miscellany:
- Board of Review Signatures. Because entering rank advancement into Internet Advancement 2.0 or Scoutbook, and printing the system-generated Unit Advancement Reports typically occurs sometime after boards of review are held, obtaining signatures on the report may not be practical. Therefore, after a board of review is held, it is permissible for board members to sign a completed copy of the Unit Advancement Report. This signed report may then be attached to the electronically generated report and submitted to the local council.
- Have the appropriate people sign the printed Unit Advancement Report.
- Purchase your advancements and recognition. The Scout Shop will collect your unit’s Advancement Report.
Help and Assistance
There are trained volunteers ready to answer questions and help make advancement reporting work smoothly for you. Your Commissioner Team and District Advancement Team are always ready to help, and the national office also has a Help Desk that can offer support.
- Guide to Advancement
- For assistance contact Ben Ward at 804.537.2702 or via email at
- Future District Roundtable and other training programs.
- To see the latest updates to Internet Advancement go to the Change Log. Click here.
- Are you still having a problem? Is it a bug in the program? Maybe? Click here to see if someone else is having the same problem.
See Also: Scoutbook Helpful FAQs