Comet and Kreckman Receive the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award on January 28th, 2024
On January 28th, 2024, Rob Comet and Paul Kreckman were presented with the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) at Richmond’s First Baptist Church. There to make the presentation was Rick Bragga, and Mark Larson spoke to the congregation from the pulpit in their honor.
This special event also marked 40 years of continuous tenure for Troop 443, with several Scouts and leaders in attendance, who have participated throughout its tenure, in celebration of Scout Sunday.
Rob and Paul are two of the three Scouters chosen in 2023 to receive this award, and have been active leaders of the First Baptist Troop 443 for over 30 years.
About the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout award “recognizes Eagle Scouts who have brought great honor to the highest rank of the Boy Scouts of America through their personal and professional contributions at the local, state, and regional level.” A council may present one of these awards for every 100 Eagle Scout ranks earned by youth in a council.
The National Eagle Scout Association established the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award to commemorate the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary in 2010.
About Rob Comet’s Scouting Career
(As quoted from Mark Larson’s letter of nomination)
For the past 25 years (well after his son attained Eagle), Rob has been an integral part of Troop 443 adult leadership. As registered member of the Troop Committee, he mentors the young men to plan and execute an aggressive outdoor program – and participates on many of the excursions.
Rob was instrumental in the development of the Goochland Reservation where his firm master-planned the Cub Adventure Camp and designed its structures, worked with a committee to create the Reinhart STEM Center, and most recently laid out a new master plan for the entire reservation.
Hopefully I’ve given you a glimpse of how high Rob set the bar for those who follow. His life’s work and service should be a model to all who follow.
About Paul Kreckman’s Scouting Career
(As quoted from Mark Larson’s letter of nomination)
Paul has been an active Scout leader for over 50 years and is the third of five generations involved with Scouting. His grandfather Charles A Worden was a pioneer of Scouting in Queens, NY and served as its Scout Executive from 1915 until his death in 1929. He has two Eagle Scout sons (one of which is a Scoutmaster) and three grandsons in Troop 443. His daughter completed the GSUSA Silver Award.
He was an Assistant Explorer Advisor at St. Giles and served four tenures as a Scoutmaster with two Richmond troops. During his tenure with Troop 443, nearly 40 Scouts achieved their Eagle rank. His focus on outdoor adventure took the troop on countless backpacking trips to the mountains, canoe trips, and the occasional 50-miler.
One notable 50-miler took the unit to the Presidential range in New Hampshire, which included a climb of Mount Washington. This was their section of the “A-T All The Way” council hike that covered the entire Appalachian Trail within one year.
Paul has been a long-serving Executive Board member for Heart of Virginia Council and was a District Chairman for Capitol District. As part of his Board service, Paul led the Design Committee for the new council office and coordinated the design and construction of the Reinhart STEM Center and OA Pavilion.
Last but not least, he took Wood Badge in 2012 and served as a staff member three times. In the spring of 2024 he will serve as the Wood Badge course director for the Heart of Virginia course.
Thank you to Paul Louie for taking and sharing these wonderful photos, and to Mark Larson for providing these exceptional Scouters with their well-deserved nominations. We’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to Rob and Paul for their lifelong service to Scouting, and our congratulations on their hard-earned and well-deserved recognition.
Additional Resources
Wood Badge 2024
Rob Comet NOESA Letter of Recommendation 2024 (PDF)
Paul Kreckman NOESA Letter of Recommendation 2024 (PDF)