A change in the processing of adult applications will go into effect beginning Tuesday, January 16th. At that time, the adult application flow will change to require the completion of the Criminal Background Check (CBC) (results must be received) before the new Adult volunteer can assume a leadership role.
- Once an adult application is processed (online or Add-Reg) the person is put in “pending”.
- The adult leader will get an email notice informing them their registration is being processed, and they are not to assume any leadership role until the completion of the CBC. The unit key 3 will also get an email.
- Once the CBC comes back and there is no follow-up needed, the system will finish registering the person. An email will then be sent to the unit key 3 and the individual letting them know that they are registered as an active leader.
- CBCs typically take 24–48 hours to complete. Depending on the volume of applications at any given time, this could take up to a week.
Additional Resources
Boy Scouts of America Adult Application (Fillable PDF)
BSA Be A Scout Online Joining Tool
HOVC Join Scouting Portal
HOVC Adult Leader Training