Nawakwa Lodge Provides Service for Council Camp

Nawakwa Lodge Provides Service
Nawakwa Lodge Provides Service for Council Camp

On December 2, the Nawakwa Lodge of Order of the Arrow, which serves the Heart of Virginia Council, worked on two important service projects for Camp T. Brady Saunders. The first project constructed a new mountain bike trail connecting Lake Olga with other bike trails in the eastern part of the Scout Reservation. The second project laid the foundation for a new bridge at the north side of Lake Dillon with an anticipated completion prior to January’s Winter Camp. Both projects help make the property more accessible and enjoyable to our scouts. The Heart of Virginia Council thanks the Nawakwa Lodge for their continued service to Scouting and to our Council Camp.

The Order of the Arrow is Scouting’s Honor Society, is comprised of Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives as elected by their peers. To learn more about the Order of the Arrow and the Nawakwa Lodge head over to You can also contact the Lodge at