Adventure FocusSee links for resources |
Lionkindergarten |
Tiger1st grade |
Wolf2nd grade |
Bear3rd grade |
Webelos4th grade |
Arrow of Light5th grade |
Bobcat(character/leadership) |
Bobcat |
Bobcat |
Bobcat |
Bobcat |
Bobcat |
Bobcat |
Citizenship |
King of the Jungle |
Team Tiger |
Council Fire |
Paws for Action |
My Community |
Citizenship |
Family & Reverence |
Lion's Pride |
Tiger Circles |
Footsteps |
Fellowship |
My Family |
Duty to God |
Outdoors |
Mountain Lion |
Tigers in the Wild |
Paws on the Path |
Bear Habitat |
Webelos Walkabout |
Outdoor Adventurer |
Personal Fitness & Nutrition |
Fun on the Run |
Tiger Bites |
Running with the Pack |
Bear Strong |
Stronger, Faster, Higher |
Personal Fitness |
Personal Safety |
Lion Roar |
Tiger Roar |
Safety in Numbers |
Standing Tall |
My Safety |
First Aid |
Bicycling |
On a Roll (E) |
Rolling Tigers (E) |
Pedal with the Pack (E) |
Bears on Bikes (E) |
Pedal Away (E) |
Cycling (E) |
Camping |
Let's Camp! Lion (E) |
Let's Camp! Tiger (E) |
Let's Camp! Wolf (E) |
Let's Camp! Bear (E) |
Let's Camp! Webelos (E) |
- |
Character Development |
I'll Do It Myself (E) |
Good Knights (E) |
Cubs Who Care (E) |
Critter Care (E) |
Aware and Care (E) |
- |
Conservation |
Champions for Nature Lion (E) |
Champions for Nature Tiger (E) |
Champions for Nature Wolf (E) |
Champions for Nature Bear (E) |
Champions for Nature Webelos (E) |
Champions for Nature Arrow of Light (E) |
Fishing |
Go Fish (E) |
Fish On (E) |
A Wolf Goes Fishing (E) |
A Bear Goes Fishing (E) |
Catch the Big One (E) |
Fishing (E) |
Games |
On Your Mark (E) |
Curiosity, Intrigue and Magical Mysteries (E) |
Adventures in Coins (E) |
Marble Madness (E) |
Yo-yo (E) |
- |
Knife Safety |
- |
- |
- |
Whittling (E) |
Chef's Knife (E) |
Knife Safety (E) |
Paddle Sports |
- |
Floats and Boats (E) |
Spirit of the Water (E) |
Bear Afloat (E) |
Paddle Onward (E) |
Paddle Craft (E) |
Pinewood Derby / Raingutter Regatta |
Race Time Lion (E) |
Race Time Tiger (E) |
Race Time Wolf (E) |
Race Time Bear (E) |
Race Time Webelos (E) |
Race Time Arrow of Light (E) |
Range and Target Sports |
Archery Lion (E) |
Archery Tiger (E) |
Archery Wolf (E) |
Archery Bears (E) |
Archery Webelos (E) |
Archery Arrow of Light (E) |
STEM: Engineering |
Gizmos and Gadgets (E) |
Designed by Tiger (E) |
Air of the Wolf (E) |
Baloo the Builder (E) |
Build It (E) |
Engineer (E) |
STEM: Math |
Build It Up, Knock It Down (E) |
Stories in Shapes (E) |
Code of the Wolf (E) |
Balancing Bears (E) |
Math on the Trail (E) |
Estimations (E) |
STEM: Science & Art |
Ready, Set, Grow (E) |
Sky is the Limit (E) |
Digging in the Past (E) |
Forensics (E) |
Art Explosion (E) |
Into the Wild (E) |
STEM: Technology |
Everyday Tech (E) |
Technology All Around (E) |
Computing Wolves (E) |
Chef Tech (E) |
Tech on the Trail (E) |
High Tech Outdoors (E) |
Summertime Fun |
- | Summertime Fun Tiger (E) |
Summertime Fun Wolf (E) |
Summertime Fun Bear (E) |
Summertime Fun Webleos (E) |
Summertime Fun Arrow of Light (E) |
Swimming |
Time to Swim (E) |
Tigers in the Water (E) |
Paws for Water (E) |
Salmon Run (E) |
Aquanaut (E) |
Swimming (E) |
2024 New Cub Scout Required and Elective Adventures (Printer-friendly PDF)
2024 Nuevas aventuras obligatorias y optativas de Cub Scout (PDF para imprimir: Español)
“Unofficial” Lion Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Lion Den Leader Resources
Lion Den Meeting Resources
Lion Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
King of the Jungle |
Lion’s Pride |
This Adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Mountain Lion |
Fun on the Run |
Lion Roar |
On a Roll (E) |
Let’s Camp! Lion (E) |
I’ll Do It Myself (E) |
Objective: Learn about personal responsibility.
Pick My Path (E) |
Objective: How to lead with actions.
Champions for Nature – Lion (E) |
Objective: Introduction to natural resources and how individual choices can help reduce waste.
Go Fish (E) |
On Your Mark (E) |
Objective: Team building.
Race Time – Lion (E) |
Archery – Lion (E) |
Slingshot – Lion (E) |
Gizmos and Gadgets (E) |
Objective: Understand how gadgets can help make tasks easier.
Built It Up, Knock It Down (E) |
Objective: Building resiliency and leading by example.
Count On Me (E) |
Objective: Comprehension of numbers and shapes.
Ready, Set, Grow (E) |
Objective: Learn the source of food.
Everyday Tech (E) |
Time to Swim (E) |
This elective Adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.
“Unofficial” Tiger Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Tiger Den Leader Resources
Tiger Den Meeting Resources
Tiger Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
Team Tiger |
Tiger Circles |
This adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Tigers in the Wild |
Tiger Bites |
Tiger Roar |
Safe and Smart (E) |
Objective: Learn about fire stafety in a home environment.
Rolling Tigers (E) |
Let’s Camp! Tiger (E) |
Good Knights (E) |
Objective: Explore creativity while learning about positive character traits.
Champions for Nature – Tiger (E) |
Objective: Introduction to natural resources and how individual choices can help reduce waste.
Fish On (E) |
Curiosity, Intrigue and Magical Mysteries (E) |
Objective: Develop creativity and communication skills.
Tiger Tag (E) |
Objective: Learn how to be active in a fun way, how to make a choice, how to explain why it is fun for you to include others and learn about good sportsmanship.
Tiger-iffic! (E) |
Objective: Learn problem-solving steps, sequencing, interaction, and engage in creativity.
Floats and Boats (E) |
Race Time (E) |
Archery – Tiger (E) |
BB Gun – Tiger (E) |
Slingshot – Tiger (E) |
Designed by Tiger (E) |
Objective: Introduction to the design, build, and improvement process.
Stories in Shapes (E) |
Objective: Introduction to shapes and balance in creative expression.
Sky is the Limit (E) |
Objective: Explore the night sky, items in it, and where you can learn more about this subject.
Technology All Around (E) |
Summertime Fun (E) |
Tigers in the Water (E) |
This elective adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.
“Unofficial” Wolf Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Wolf Den Leader Resources
Wolf Den Meeting Resources
Wolf Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
Council Fire |
Footsteps |
This adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Paws on the Path |
Finding Your Way (E) |
Objective: Introduction to a map, compass, and using directions.
Running with the Pack |
Paws of Skill (E) |
Objective: Introduction to developing team skills and good sportsmanship.
Safety in Numbers |
Pedal with the Pack (E) |
Let’s Camp! Wolf (E) |
Cubs Who Care (E) |
Objective: Introduction to disability awareness, how it can affect someone’s life, and how a Scout can be kind and helpful.
Champions for Nature – Wolf (E) |
Objective: Inroduction to the concepts of renewable and non-renewable resources and how individual choices can help reduce waste.
A Wolf Goes Fishing (E) |
Adventures in Coins (E) |
Objective: Understand the parts of a coin and discover how each are unique.
Spirit of the Water (E) |
Race Time – Wolf (E) |
Archery – Wolf (E) |
BB Gun – Wolf (E) |
Slingshot – Wolf (E) |
Air of the Wolf (E) |
Objective: Introduction to the concepts of air lift.
Code of the Wolf (E) |
Objective: Introduction to measurements and patterns and what they can tell us about the world we live in.
Digging in the Past (E) |
Objective: Introduction to dinosaurs as part of our natural history.
Germs Alive! (E) |
Computing Wolves (E) |
Objective: Introduction to computer hardware and software.
Summertime Fun (E) |
Paws for Water (E) |
This elective adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.
“Unofficial” Bear Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Bear Den Leader Resources
Bear Den Meeting Resources
Bear Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
Paws for Action |
Fellowship |
This adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Bear Habitat |
Bear Strong |
Standing Tall |
Bears on Bikes (E) |
Let’s Camp! – Bear (E) |
Critter Care (E) |
Objective: Learn how to take care of a pet.
Roaring Laughter (E) |
Objective: Develop confidence presenting in front of others.
Champions for Nature – Bear (E) |
Objective: Create awareness of the surrounding environment and natural resources.
A Bear Goes Fishing (E) |
Marble Madness (E) |
Objective: Learn how to play a game of marbles. Learn strategy, motor control, and sequencing.
Whittling (E) |
Objective: Completing the Whittling adventure grants the Scout the privilege of carrying and using a pocketknife at Scout events.
Bear Afloat (E) |
Race Time – Bear (E) |
Archery – Bears (E) |
BB Gun – Bears (E) |
Slingshot – Bears (E) |
Baloo the Builder (E) |
Objective: Introduce Scouts to intermediate woodworking skills and how to safely use basic woodworking tools.
Balancing Bears (E) |
Objective: Explore the concepts of patterns and symmetry in nature.
Forensics (E) |
Objective: Explore the science of forensics.
Super Science (E) |
Objective: Explore electricity and chemistry.
Chef Tech (E) |
Objective: Explore how technology is used in the kitchen.
Summertime Fun – Bear (E) |
Objective: Explore how technology is used in the kitchen.
Salmon Run (E) |
This elective adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.
“Unofficial” Webelos Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Webelos Den Leader Resources
Webelos Den Meeting Resources
Webelos Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
My Community |
My Family |
This adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Webelos Walkabout |
Stronger, Faster, Higher |
My Safety |
Pedal Away (E) |
Let’s Camp – Webelos (E) |
Aware and Care (E) |
Objective: Increase awareness and sensitivity around obstacles htat people with disabilities face and how, with a few accommodations, they can be successful.
Champions for Nature – Webelos (E) |
Objective: Create an awareness of an animal’s habitat.
Catch the Big One (E) |
Objective: Create an awareness of an animal’s habitat.
Yo-yo (E) |
Objective: Learn and practice the basics of a Yo-yo.
Chef’s Knife (E) |
Paddle Onward (E) |
Race Time – Webelos (E) |
Archery – Webelos (E) |
BB Gun – Webelos (E) |
Slingshot – Webelos (E) |
Build It (E) |
Objective: Introduction to intermediate woodworking skills and how to safely use basic woodworking tools.
Modular Design (E) |
Objective: Investigate entineering using modular design.
Math on the Trail (E) |
Objective: Learn how math can be used in the outdoors.
Art Explosion (E) |
Objective: Become familiar with art and the different ways you can use art to express yourself. Visual arts: painting, drawing, photography.
Earth Rocks! (E) |
Objective: Exposure to the science of geology.
Tech on the Trail (E) |
Objective: Learn how to use technology to plan and go on a trek.
Summertime Fun – Webelos (E) |
Aquanaut (E) |
This elective Adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR passing the BSA Swimmer Test OR taking swimming lessons.
“Unofficial” Arrow of Light Den Leader Guide (PDF)
Arrow of Light Den Leader Resources
Arrow of Light Den Meeting Resources
Arrow of Light Den Adventure Planner (PDF)
Adventure | Requirements |
Bobcat |
Citizenship |
Duty to God |
This adventure may be earned by completing the requirements below OR by completing a Religious Emblem of the Cub Scouts family’s choosing.
Outdoor Adventurer |
Personal Fitness |
First Aid |
Cycling |
Champions for Nature – Arrow of Light |
Objective: Explore the concepts of food sustainability and conservation.
Fishing |
Knife Safety |
Paddle Craft |
Race Time – Arrow of Light |
Archery – Arrow of Light |
BB Gun – Arrow of Light |
Slingshot – Arrow of Light |
Engineer |
Objective: Explosure to engineering and design principles.
Estimations |
Objective: Discover how math can be useful in everyday life.
Into the Wild (E) |
Objective: Understand animal diversity and the importance of wildlife management within conservation areas.
Into the Woods |
Objective: Understand the concept and importance of tree conservation.
High Tech Outdoors |
Objective: Learn how to use technology while in the outdoors.
Summertime Fun – Arrow of Light |
Swimming |
Additional Resources
Cub Scout Rank Advancement Tracker (Google Sheet – Look Wider Still)
Celebration Time: The Cub Scout Program Updates are Finally Here (Article)
The Cub Scout Six Essentials: A Half-Dozen Items to Pack on Every Campout and Hike (Article)
The Guide to Safe Scouting (Website) | The Guide to Safe Scouting (PDF)
Updates to the Cub Scout Program, Effective June 1st, 2024
Resource Credit
Den Adventure Planners were created by Rebecca Giese, Committee Chairperson of Cub Scout Pack 521, Dogwood District
“Unofficial” Den Leader Guides were submitted by Shawn Bergeron, Assistant Roundtable Commissioner, Dogwood District
Cub Scout Rank Advancement Trackers were created by Rebekah Nyalko, Unit Commissioner, Dogwood District