Affiliation Agreement Implementation

United Methodist Church/Boy Scouts of America Affiliation Agreement Implementation in the Heart of Virginia Council

In June 2022, the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) at the national level announced a new model for how local UM churches, units, and the Heart of Virginia Council (HOVC) will relate to each other. This new Affiliation Agreement takes the place of the Charter Agreement for UM Churches and can be viewed here. In summary, the UMC/BSA Affiliation Agreement Implementation includes the following key components:

  • UM Churches will not “own” their Scout Units. Instead, units will be owned by the HOVC.
  • The HOVC will officially own any unit equipment, trailers, and funds, but will stay in possession of the unit so that the program will continue to be delivered to youth.
  • The HOVC will appoint a Council Registered Unit Representative who will approve all unit adult volunteer registrations. The church will have no role in unit adult volunteer selection or approval.
  • The church will provide the unit with meeting space and equipment storage space as needed.
  • The church will pay an annual affiliation fee to the BSA. For 2022, this fee is $100.
  • The BSA will provide primary general liability insurance to cover affiliated organizations just like it does for charter organizations.

The UMC & BSA have given the HOVC, Scout units, and local UM churches until October 30, 2022 to complete the affiliation agreements, transition unit bank accounts to the tax ID # of the council, and transfer trailer titles as needed. Units can and should continue holding meetings and conducting the program in the meantime.

Units currently chartered to United Methodist Churches will have three options to continue as a Scout Unit:

  1. Become a Council-Registered Unit by being a part of an Affiliation Agreement between a UM Church and the HOVC as described above.
  2. Continue to meet at a UMC through a Facilities Use Agreement but find a new organization to serve as the Charter Organization.
  3. Find a new organization that agrees to charter the unit. Hold unit meetings there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are local Methodist Churches required to use the Affiliation Agreement? Can they still charter a unit?

A: The UMC has strongly encouraged all their conferences, congregations, and units to utilize the new Affiliation Agreement moving forward. A council representative, either a District Executive or a Commissioner, will reach out to local church and unit leadership to determine their path forward.

Q: How will the ownership of assets be transferred to the council for UMC-Affiliated Units?

A: A HOVC District Executive or Commissioner will work with each unit on this process. The Release of Unit Charter form is available here. The Transfer of Unit Funds & Property form is available here. Unit bank accounts will need to switch from the church tax ID number to the council’s number. Transferring trailer titles, registration, and insurance to the council is done through the DMV. Payment for fees associated with the title transfer, registration, and insurance are generally the responsibility of the unit. Council staff will work with the unit leadership to insure trailers through the council’s insurance agent and help the unit properly complete required DMV forms as needed.

Q: What should our unit be doing now to make this process go smoothly?

A: If the unit leadership and the church desire to use the Affiliation Agreement where the unit becomes a Council-Registered Unit, then you can begin completing that paperwork. If another option is desired, then identifying prospective charter organizations and communicating them to your District Executive is key. A representative of the council will reach out to your unit and church soon.