Stocks IRAs and Rollovers

Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving

Your generosity supports camp maintenance, workforce development, youth membership and recruitment, High Adventure and camp scholarships, our ScoutReach program, and more.

Designate endowment gifts by supporting Workforce Development / Career Exploration, as well as High Adventure and Camp Scholarships, endow your Friends of Scouting gifts, and create named endowment funds.

Workforce Development/Career Exploring

This endowment restriction will gift to support various Scouting programs include Career Exploring, camping programs, Merit Badge Weekends, Council-wide camping programs, etc.

ScoutReach (Scouting Outreach Programs)

This endowment will support the Council’s ScoutReach program and other related Scouting Outreach programs associated with underserved and under-resourced as defined by the Council.  Learn more.

Camp and Facilities Endowment

The objective of this endowment is to support the camp and capital projects of the Council to include new capital projects, maintenance, upkeep, and other related activities associated with the camp, service center, and other facilities/properties owned or operated by the Council.  Learn more.

Youth Membership & Recruitment Endowment

The objective of this endowment is to get more youth involved in Scouting through one of the Council’s Scouting programs. This endowment will be restricted to youth membership or youth recruitment activities and initiatives.  Learn more.

Create a Named Endowment Fund

When you establish an endowment fund, you create a permanent legacy of support for the Heart of Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America.

Endowment assets are invested, and each year, a portion of the value of the fund is paid out to support the fund’s purpose, and any earnings in excess of this distribution are used to build the fund’s market value. In this way, an endowment fund can grow and provide support for its designated purpose in perpetuity.

High Adventure & Camp Scholarships

The endowment restriction will limit gifts supporting camp scholarships to the various Council’s camp properties to include both Cub Scout camp and Scouts BSA Summer camp.

The Gladys Jean Victor National BSA Experiences Scholarship

In memory of Gladys Jean Victor, a single mother of a Heart of Virginia Council Eagle Scout, donors are welcomed to contribute to a special National BSA experiences scholarship for Scouts who have at least one parent absent in their life.

This fund celebrates Mrs. Victor’s special connection to local Scouting. A Gold Award recipient in Girl Scouts, she inspired her son to join Cub Scouting in 1983 as a Tiger Cub in Pack 799, at Trinity UMC, one of the first Tiger Cub Dens in the Heart of Virginia Council (formerly known as the Robert E. Lee Council), BSA. Through her unwavering support, she would proudly see her son achieve the Arrow of Light, Eagle Scout, and many other prominent Scouting Awards.

The Gladys Jean Victor National BSA Experiences Scholarship Page

Q: How much money does it take to start an endowment?

A: The Heart of Virginia Council provides the opportunity for our supporters to create a named endowment fund.

To establish one, there is a minimum outright commitment level of $25,000. This amount can be paid over a period of up to 5 years.

If a donor has established a planned gift valued at $100,000 for the benefit of the council, then the minimum outright commitment level is $10,000. This amount can be paid over a period of up to 2 years.

Q: What else does it take?

A: An endowment agreement. This agreement between the donor and the Council permanently defines the purpose of the fund. The agreement also outlines the Heart of Virginia Council’s standard procedures for managing endowment funds.

Q: Whose name is on the endowment?

A: You can name an endowment for yourself, your family, your friend, your former scoutmaster or unit leader, your company – the choice is yours.

Your endowment will be recorded as “The [Name of Your Choice] Endowment Fund.”

Q: My lawyer knows about endowments. Can I have him/her prepare my endowment agreement?

A: The Heart of Virginia Council, BSA uses standard language for endowment agreements to ensure consistency in management of the funds. As we work with you to establish the endowment, we will discuss your preferences and suggestions with you.

Q: Do I need to sign an endowment agreement or meet a minimum gift level if I want to give to an existing endowment?

A: No. You can make a gift of any size to an existing endowment fund without signing an endowment agreement. There may be an existing endowment that reflects your interests and to which you can add your support.

Also, donors who have established an endowment fund in the past, may continue to make gifts to them over time. The larger a fund is, the more impact it can have each year.

Q: Exactly how is the spendable income used?

A: The spendable income from each endowment fund is used to support the fund’s direct costs, as well as a portion of indirect costs. Endowment distributions will be used to help meet the cost.

Distributions from scholarship endowments, for instance, generally fund full or partial high-adventure scholarship grants and support indirect costs associated with those grants.

Stewardship and Recognition

Q: How do I find out about my endowment after I have made my gift?

A: Once an endowment reaches the minimum funding level and starts generating spendable income, the Council will begin sending you annual reports detailing the value and use of your endowment fund. The purpose of the endowment will dictate the news updates that will be included in the stewardship reporting document. Campership and scholarships endowments will receive information on the recipient, a capital endowment may receive an update on some of the recent maintenance updates from the prior year, etc.

When you establish an endowment at the Heart of Virginia Council, you begin a new relationship with the Heart of Virginia Council, and the Council will write to you—and later to your family—every year with an update on what your gift is making possible.

Q: Can I meet the Scouter who benefited from my campership or scholarship?

A: In most cases, yes it is possible. If you do not have an opportunity to meet your scouter at a camp event, the Heart of Virginia Council can arrange a visit for you during some other time during the year.

Friends of Scouting Forever

The Heart of Virginia Council provides various ways to invest in the youth of our community. Your support through these programs and events are our most important source of funding. Our pledge is to spend wisely in helping units be successful and in creating opportunities for youth to join Scouting. Please note that all donations are tax-deductible.

The Boy Scouts prepare youth to enhance the quality of life for themselves, residents of the Central Virginia region, the citizens of Central Virginia, the nation, and the world.  Consider a gift to endow your Friends of Scouting gift through your estate plans.

Please consider sustaining your Friends of Scouting gift:

Please consider sustaining your annual FOS giving. You can continue to impact Scouts for generations to come by making a gift to the Boy Scouts of America endowment equal to 25 times your annual giving.  For example:

If your current annual Friends of Scouting gift is:
    • $1,000: Your gift is endowed with a $25,000 bequest.
    • $2,500: Your gift is endowed with a $62,500 bequest.
    • $5,000: Your gift is endowed with a $125,000 bequest.
How to Incorporate the Boy Scouts of America into your Estate Plans:

There are many different ways to make a legacy gift.  Some of the more common gift plans are a bequest, a charitable remainder trust, and a gift of a life insurance policy or a retirement plan.

Giving vehicles:
  • Include the Boy Scouts in your will by adding a simple codicil or amendment
  • Designate gifts of cash, stock, property or valuables
  • Name the Heart of Virginia Council BSA as the beneficiary of a retirement account, life insurance policy, investment, trust, or annuity.
  • $10,000: Your gift is endowed with a $250,000 bequest.
  • Learn more.
In Memory of Cindy Hunt Morris 

Donations made in memory of Cindy, a long-time and beloved Scouter in and around Powhatan County, the Huguenot Trail District, and the Heart of Virginia Council, will benefit Huguenot Trail Friends of Scouting. Your generous support makes the adventure of Scouting possible for the youth of Central Virginia, fostering the program to which Cindy so exceptionally and selflessly gave so much of her time.

More youth attending Camp.  More youth advancing through the Scouting Program.

Gifts to support Camp Scholarships will help to enable youth to attend the various Council’s camp properties to include both Cub Scout camp and Scouts BSA Summer camp.  Gifts can also be used to support camp scholarships to National high adventure bases, such as, Philmont, Northern Tier, Seabase, and The Summit Bechtel Reserve.  The funds received for this effort will be restricted to Camp Scholarships purposes.

Gifts can be made outright support or through your estate plans in support of current year camp scholarships, endowed scholarships, future scholarships.

Gladys Jean Victor Scholarship for National BSA Experiences

In memory of Gladys Jean Victor, a single mother of a Heart of Virginia Council Eagle Scout, donors are welcomed to contribute to a special National BSA experiences scholarship for Scouts who have at least one parent absent in their life.  This fund celebrates Mrs. Victor’s special connection to local Scouting.

Become a James E. West Fellowship Award recipient, a Legacy Donor, a Heritage Society Donor, or a Good Turn Society Donor today!  Learn about Donor Recognition

Through bequests and wills, retirement plan gifts, IRA rollovers, and life insurance, your contributions to Scouting are invaluable.

Bequests and Wills

Providing for the Future of Scouting

Bequests and other planned gifts help build and strengthen the Boy Scout’s mission of character development, citizenship, personal fitness, and public service. The Council’s future excellence is dependent on the planned gifts that Scouters and Friends of Scouting make today to benefit the Scouts of tomorrow.

What Area or Aspect of Scouting Can I Support

Sharing Your Legacy Gift Intention: I have already made a Bequest gift to support the Council. We would like to thank you and recognize you for your gift.

Bequest Language to Support Heart of Virginia Council:

“I give, bequeath and devise (percentage or dollar amount) to the ______________Endowment of the Heart of Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America headquartered in Richmond, VA.”

    • ScoutReach Endowment (Outreach Programs)
    • Camp Scholarship Endowment (Local)
    • Camperships, Philmont, etc.
    • Camp and Facilities Endowment
    • Youth Membership & Recruitment Endowment
    • Workforce Development & Career Programs Endowment (Exploring, Merit Badges, etc.)
Why a Charitable Bequest for the Council?

In addition to the satisfaction, you’ll feel for providing a perpetual legacy for you, your family, or someone you admire, you will provide critical resources to support your favorite Scouting cause.

Types of Bequests
    • Specific amount to Heart of Virginia Council, BSA
    • All or a percentage of your estate or residual estate to the Boy Scouts
    • The Council as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy
    • Charitable remainder trust in your estate plan
You already have put the Boy Scouts in your plans? Why tell us about it?
    • Ensure your charitable plans will stand the test of time
    • Inspire others to establish their own Scouting legacy
    • Demonstrate philanthropic leadership to Boy Scout stakeholders
    • Allow us the opportunity to celebrate your generosity and future legacy
    • Help secure the future of Scouting in our local communities

Life Insurance

One of the most satisfying uses for life insurance policies are connected with charitable giving!

Ways to Give Life Insurance
    • Donate a fully paid-up policy: Name the Heart of Virginia Council as owner/beneficiary
    • Give a partially paid-up policy: Name the Heart of Virginia Council as owner/beneficiary and continue to pay the premiums through the Council to maintain the policy
    • Designate the Council as Beneficiary: Name the Heart of Virginia Council as beneficiary of an existing policy
    • Take out a new whole life policy: Name the Heart of Virginia Council as beneficiary or as owner/beneficiary, or use as a “replacement” asset in conjunction with planned gift to the Council
    • Use cash value to get income: Donate cash value in return for lifetime income
    • Donate cash value to start your Heart of Virginia Council Legacy today!
    • Gift Transfer: Contact your insurance agent, requesting a “Change of Ownership/Beneficiary Form.”  Then send the completed form and policy to office.
    • Gift Purpose: Designate an endowment.

If you already have a planned gift in place, or you intend to make a planned gift to the Heart of Virginia Council BSA, please complete and submit the information, so we are able to better steward your gift and ensure that your specific intentions are met.

We would like to thank you for sharing information about how you wish your future gift to be used and to thank you for your support of the Heart of Virginia Council BSA. This information will not be shared outside the Boy Scouts of America.

What’s the benefit of sharing this information?

After communicating your wishes with the Council, you can:

    • Join a community: You become the newest member of the Heritage Society.
    • Protect your privacy: Your intent can be entirely confidential.
    • Receive recognition: The Council can appropriately thank you for your generosity.
    • State a preference: Designate an endowment.
    • Inspire others to follow your lead: With your permission, the story of your gift can encourage the generosity of others.

We would love to answer questions you may have regarding Legacy Giving.  Please provide your contact information below and our Scout Executive will contact you soon.

Additional Tools

One Gift, A Lifetime Investment. Meet your personal financial goals while making a difference for the future. Explore more resources, including planning tools, by visiting the BSA Legacy website.