Welcome to the Heart of Virginia Council’s Leader Portal,
a collection of important resources for adult and youth leaders!
a collection of important resources for adult and youth leaders!
Your leadership is imperative to the success of the Scouting program in Central Virginia – thank you for offering your time, talents, and dedication! Below you’ll find regularly updated resources tailored to your leadership role.
Youth Leaders
Youth Leaders
Youth leadership development is one of the Aims and Methods of Scouting. The Scouting program encourages Scouts to learn and practice leadership skills. Every Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations. Understanding the concepts of leadership and becoming a servant leader helps a Scout accept the leadership role of others and guides them towards participating citizenship and character development.
Founded in 1984, Buckskin is one of the first Youth Leader Training courses in all of Scouting. Buckskin is an immersive leadership experience for Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council. Buckskin offers a 360 degree leadership experience that integrates classroom teaching with hands-on practice and reinforcement. This exciting combination will equip your Scout with the tools, experience, confidence, and enthusiasm needed to make a difference as a leader in their troop and their community.
Here at the Heart of Virginia Council, we are incredibly proud of our Eagle Scouts! Visit the Eagle’s Nest and learn about the Eagle Commencement, scholarships, the Glenn and Melinda Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award, the Eagle Challenge Brick program, and more.
Dens can elect Denners and Assistant Denners to work with their adult leaders. Some of the denner’s responsibilities include setting up the meeting space, welcoming Scouts as they arrive to the meeting, lead the den in reciting the Scout Oath and Law, picking a game or activity for the den to play, hand out supplies, and help clean up. The Webelos Bobcat adventure is a great introduction to these very special leadership roles.
Troop youth Leadership positions include roles such as Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Scribe, Quartermaster, Den Chief, Webmaster, Bugler, and so much more. Learn about each important role and talk with your Scoutmaster about how you can sharpen your leadership skills.
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. This training is traditionally offered by the Heart of Virginia Council in early summer.
The Order of the Arrow was created to serve as a useful purpose: to cause the Scout Oath and Law to spring into action in all parts of the nation. To this day, we are dedicated to this high purpose. The Order is a thing of the individual rather than a thing of the masses; the ideals of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service spring to life in each of us. The Order is a thing of the outdoors; from life in the wilds comes a precious ingredient that our country needs to survive-self-reliance. One of the Order’s greatest achievements is, and will continue to be, the strengthening of the Scouting movement as an outdoor experience.
Scouting America is committed to creating safe environments for Scouts and leaders. Child abuse is an uncomfortable topic but an important one for us to cover to ensure the safety and well-being of our Scouts and leaders. Scouting America has partnered with subject-matter experts from the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation to present the Personal Safety Awareness Series. Scout and Star Rank requirements include the completion of these videos.
When considering the array of Scouting awards and recognitions available to young people, there’s one that stands above them all. If you think about its ability to grow Scouting and introduce this life-changing program to new people, the Recruiter Strip might be the most important patch in Scouting.
Your membership in the BSA is going to open doors to incredible opportunities, and scholarships are just the start! The BSA’s Scholarships portal is full of program opportunities to help you pay your way as you continue your education. Find your scholarship and apply online!
Leading a troop can be a daunting task. This website will contain resources for you and your troop to plan, progress, and advance throughout your ranks. Learn how to plan for your unit’s program year, quickly browse ceremony templates, learn about advancement, and get great ideas for activities, games, and challenges.
Easily access everything from the most updated Scouts BSA Handbooks to Camp Cookbooks!
Adult Leaders – Cub Scouts
Adult Leaders - Cub Scouts
The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience.
Each participating member of your family needs to have a completed AHMR on file with their unit leadership team in order to participate in any Scouting adventures, including regular unit meetings. Follow the link to download a copy based on your adventure needs.
Tune in to Scouting Magazine’s Cub Chat Live each Friday at 3pm for useful tips and tricks, and ideas to help you run an awesome Cub Scout program.
The pack meeting brings all the dens in the pack together for the purposes of recognizing the achievements of the Cub Scouts, communicating information about upcoming events, and providing a program that enriches the Cub Scouting experience. It helps the Cubs realize their den is part of a larger organization. A good pack meeting is well planned and well organized.
This page, lovingly referred to as the Cub Hub, is dedicated to the Cub Scout program, highlighting adventure focuses that run throughout each rank, and providing a breakdown of each individual required and elective adventure. Materials are regularly added to help Cub Scout leaders plan and execute a quality Scouting program. We’ve also developed a Rank Advancement Tracker (Google Sheet) that can help your den leadership team stay organized.
The den meeting is the most important part of Cub Scouting. It is where Cub Scouts build friendships, work together to learn new things, and progress towards earning their common badge of rank. Serving as a Den Leader is providing an opportunity to make a positive lifelong impact on your child and others in the den.
A Scout is reverent. A Scout is faithful in his or her religious beliefs and respects the beliefs of others. The Scout Oath begins with duty to God, and the Scout Law ends with reverence. It’s the twelfth point of the Scout Law, but it cannot be relegated to an afterthought. Our Duty to God: Reverence Hub is full of information about religious awards, interfaith services, reverent leadership positions, and much more.
The Guide to Advancement is the official resource outlining the principles, policies, and procedures for advancement in Scouting programs. It provides detailed guidance on how Scouts can progress through ranks, earn badges, and achieve awards within the program framework. The guide emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, skill mastery, and personal growth, while maintaining fairness and consistency across all Scouting units. It serves as a reference for leaders, parents, and Scouts to ensure advancement is meaningful and aligns with Scouting’s mission to develop character, citizenship, and fitness.
The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.
A booklet, included in the printed handbooks, providing tips to help parents talk with their youth about child abuse. The completion of the activities in this guide are required for rank advancement.
At Scouting America, the safety and well-being of our members are of paramount importance. We are dedicated to maintaining a secure environment where Scouts, leaders, and volunteers can engage in enriching Scouting experiences with confidence. By reporting an incident In Scouting, you play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of the Scouting America community. Timely, clear, concise, and thorough incident reports enable a fitting response and provide an opportunity for analysis and continuous improvement in our programs!
Scouting America offers on online application process for youth and adults that can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands. This allows prospective members and leaders to register and pay in a way that’s convenient for them, and it creates a more efficient and user-friendly registration experience for units, districts, and councils. Learn how to use and manage these resources.
Scouting America compiles all its program changes for Packs in one helpful place.
Did your Cub Scouts visit us at Cub Adventure Camp this year? Adventure on with us as a unit by customizing your own Weekend Experience. With options like shooting sports, camping, fishing, boating, and more, we have the activities and space available. Add a Weekend Experience to your Pack Year Plan, and we’ll take the guesswork out of your next adventure.
This BSA emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth the “three R’s”: Recognize, Respond, and Report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indications of child abuse and situations that could lead to potential abuse; and by teaching them how to handle child abuse situations or reports. Youth training is called personal safety awareness. For all registered adults (volunteer and professional Scouters), Youth Protection training is mandatory. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to create an account on My.Scouting.org and complete YPT, as well.
Accident Insurance Policy for Scouts and Volunteers (PDF)
Accident or Illness Claim – How to File (PDF)
C.O.P.E Challenge Course and Climbing / Rappelling Consent Form (Waiver) (PDF)
Insurance Claim Form (PDF)
Leader Position Codes for Adult Applications (PDF)
BSA National’s Commitments for Diversity and Inclusion
Den, Pack and Troop Driven Recruitment
How Units Can Print Charter Certificates (PDF)
How to Print Your Own Membership Cards (PDF)
Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities
New Member Coordinator Resources
Adult Leaders – ScoutsBSA
Adult Leaders - Scouts BSA
The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience.
Each participating member of your family needs to have a completed AHMR on file with their unit leadership team in order to participate in any Scouting adventures, including regular unit meetings. Follow the link to download a copy based on your adventure needs.
A Scout is reverent. A Scout is faithful in his or her religious beliefs and respects the beliefs of others. The Scout Oath begins with duty to God, and the Scout Law ends with reverence. It’s the twelfth point of the Scout Law, but it cannot be relegated to an afterthought. Our Duty to God: Reverence Hub is full of information about religious awards, interfaith services, reverent leadership positions, and much more.
The Guide to Advancement is the official resource outlining the principles, policies, and procedures for advancement in Scouting programs. It provides detailed guidance on how Scouts can progress through ranks, earn badges, and achieve awards within the program framework. The guide emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, skill mastery, and personal growth, while maintaining fairness and consistency across all Scouting units. It serves as a reference for leaders, parents, and Scouts to ensure advancement is meaningful and aligns with Scouting’s mission to develop character, citizenship, and fitness.
The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.
At Scouting America, the safety and well-being of our members are of paramount importance. We are dedicated to maintaining a secure environment where Scouts, leaders, and volunteers can engage in enriching Scouting experiences with confidence. By reporting an incident In Scouting, you play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of the Scouting America community. Timely, clear, concise, and thorough incident reports enable a fitting response and provide an opportunity for analysis and continuous improvement in our programs!
Scouting America offers on online application process for youth and adults that can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands. This allows prospective members and leaders to register and pay in a way that’s convenient for them, and it creates a more efficient and user-friendly registration experience for units, districts, and councils. Learn how to use and manage these resources.
Scouting America compiles all its program changes for Troops, Crews, Posts, and Ships on one helpful page.
From the Troop Leader Guidebook to Scouting Magazine, these helpful resources and reference materials are available to help you support your troop.
The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts – providing direction, coaching, and support.
Leading a troop can be a daunting task. This website will contain resources for you and your troop to plan, progress, and advance throughout your ranks. Learn how to plan for your unit’s program year, quickly browse ceremony templates, learn about advancement, and get great ideas for activities, games, and challenges.
Tune in to Scouting Magazine’s Troop Talk Live the second Wednesday of each month at 3pm for useful tips and tricks, and great ideas to help you lead your unit.
This BSA emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth the “three R’s”: Recognize, Respond, and Report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indications of child abuse and situations that could lead to potential abuse; and by teaching them how to handle child abuse situations or reports. Youth training is called personal safety awareness. For all registered adults (volunteer and professional Scouters), Youth Protection training is mandatory. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to create an account on My.Scouting.org and complete YPT, as well.
Did your Cub Scouts visit us at Camp T. Brady Saunders this year? Adventure on with us as a unit by customizing your own Weekend Experience. With options like shooting sports, camping, fishing, boating, climbing and rappelling, COPE and zip lining, and more, we have the activities and space available. Add a Weekend Experience to your annual plan, and we’ll take the guesswork out of your next adventure.
Accident Insurance Policy for Scouts and Volunteers (PDF)
Accident or Illness Claim – How to File (PDF)
C.O.P.E Challenge Course and Climbing / Rappelling Consent Form (Waiver) (PDF)
Insurance Claim Form (PDF)
Leader Position Codes for Adult Applications (PDF)
BSA National’s Commitments for Diversity and Inclusion
Den, Pack and Troop Driven Recruitment
How Units Can Print Charter Certificates (PDF)
How to Print Your Own Membership Cards (PDF)
Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities
New Member Coordinator Resources
Most adult awards and recognitions have certificates, pins or medals, and a patch usually with a square knot embroidered on it in different colors. Adult leaders wear these square knot patches on their uniform over the left pocket. The order that they are worn is up to the individual.
Welcome to Awards Central, Scouting America’s repository for information about official awards and recognitions. This is where the most up-to-date information about BSA-related awards may be found, including award applications and nomination forms.
The District Award of Merit is awarded by a District to volunteer and professional adults for service to youth in the District. Normally, the award is presented for service to youth in excess of five years. Candidates for this award must be nominated (self-nomination disqualifies the candidate) using the linked nomination form.
Learn more about the World’s religions, Religious Emblems Programs, special faith-based awards, and interfaith service information for reverent Scouts and Scouters.
Scouting America has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, leadership, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment. Learn how to properly wear your uniform awards and insignia.
Messengers of Peace aims to promote a culture of peace and dialogue for mutual understanding, promote service initiatives led by Scouts, support the development of young people affected by conflict situations, provide further connection to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and connect Scouts around the world in a global network of 20 million Messengers of Peace.
The Heart of Virginia Council’s highest volunteer recognition, the Silver Beaver Award, will be awarded to five highly deserving Scouters. These Scouters have made a huge impact in the lives of youth through their hard work, self-sacrifice, and years of dedicated service.