News and Updates
The Christopher Corcoran Cub Adventure Camp Maintenance Fund For many years, Mr. Corcoran was active in the Heart of Virginia Council Scouting community, serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 715, merit badge counselor, member of the Cardinal District Committee, Unit Commissioner and an Assistant Roundtable Commissioner. He was instrumental in the development of [...]
2024 World Scout Scarf Day World Scout Scarf Day, August 1st of each year, commemorates the first Scout Camp on Brownsea Island in 1907. On World Scout Scarf Day, all active and former Scouts are encouraged to wear their scarfs, or neckerchiefs, as a visible commemoration of Scouting. The Brownsea Island Scout Camp [...]
Provisional Troop 3 at T. Brady Saunders 2024 Provisional Troop 3, sponsored by the Nawakwa Lodge 3, was back at Camp T. Brady Saunders for its 4th summer during week 5. This year, the troop comprised of 25 campers from 15 troops across 3 councils including Heart of Virginia, Virginia Headwaters and National Capitol Area Council. Four of [...]
Unit & Membership Renewal Previously referred to as “Recharter” To: The Key 3 of all units in the Heart of Virginia Council The purpose of this communication is to let you know that the process formerly known as recharter has undergone a change. With the new process of 12-month annual membership renewal instead of [...]