Membership Registration

2023—2024 Membership Registration Changes

New Members:

Effective April 1, 2024, the Scouting America will eliminate the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting.  They have also increased the regular annual registration fees by $5.00 for youth in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts along with a $5 increase for all adult volunteers.

Existing Members:

Units with 2023 expiration dates will not experience changes – you will renew your charter and membership as you always have.  Units with February 29, 2024, expiration will automatically lapse after one month.

Registration Fees Infographic (PDF)

Fee Changes as of April 1st, 2024

Scouting Programs

All Scouting Programs but Explorers

Participants in kindergarten through age 20

National $85/YR
Council $30/YR


Exploring Logo

For all Exploring youth and adults

National $50/YR
Council $0/YR

Adult Volunteers
BSA Adults
All registered adult volunteers unit and non-unit positions.  (Volunteers with multiple registrations will continue to pay for only one position.)

National $65/YR
Council $15/YR

Merit Badge Counselors

Merit Badges

This fee is for Merit Badge Counselors who are not already registered volunteers

National $25/YR
Council $0/YR

Merit Badge Counselors who are not also registered in a unit position are not allowed to attend overnight Scouting activities/events.


All Scouting Programs but Explorers

Participants in kindergarten through age 20

National $30/YR
Council $30/YR

Unit Charter Fee

National $100/YR

For all new and rechartering units.

Scout Life Magazine

National $15/YR


Frequently Asked Questions

The national membership fee plays a crucial role in providing essential services to local councils and units. These services include expanded liability insurance to safeguard participants involved in approved Scouting activities, enhanced criminal background checks to ensure safety, a vast number of program resources (to include program literature, uniforming, insignia and recognition, marketing and Brand Center resources, Scoutbook, My.Scouting, BeAScout, online registration, advancement, and rechartering), comprehensive youth protection measures (to include training, access to incident reporting, and the Scouts First Helpline: 1-844-Scouts1), and leader-specific training. National membership fees help to provide access to the four BSA High Adventure Properties (Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base, Northern Tier High Adventure Base, and the Summit Bechtel Reserve). Furthermore, the fee supports the development of national, council, and unit programs that enrich the Scouting experience for all. The Boy Scouts of America remains committed to evaluating the membership fee structure and exploring innovative ways to deliver the Scouting program.

Scouting continues to be recognized as one of the most valuable investments in our youth, with its impact felt across the nation and within each of our communities. The dedication of our volunteers, staff, and Scouting families is what makes this ongoing success possible.

For Youth Members (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Sea Scouts): The National Membership fee is increasing from $80 to $85.  The Heart of Virginia Council Program Fee will remain $30 (as of January 1st, 2024).  The total is going from $110 to $115.

For Adults, the National Membership fee is increasing from $60 to $65, and the HOVC Program fee will remain $15.  The total is going from $75 to $80.

For Explorers, the National Membership fee will remain $50.

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The increase is attributed to several important factors. Firstly, the Boy Scouts of America has made significant investments in enhancing their Criminal Background check processes, as well as youth protection and safety programs. These measures are crucial to ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants involved in scouting activities. Additionally, the BSA has taken steps to increase General Liability Insurance coverage, which is essential for protecting volunteer leaders, staff, charter organizations, units, and the youth they serve. Lastly, the BSA has incurred restructuring costs as part of ongoing organizational changes.

The current fee has been in place since 2020. However, in addition to recent inflation, we are facing these  circumstances:

  • The cost of program support is increasing while sources of funding for the programming continue to be challenged.
  • Our membership decreased coming out of the pandemic but is growing again; however, we are not at pre-pandemic membership numbers. The sources and composition of funding are changing because a number of revenue sources for the council come from membership-driven areas like participation in programs and activities, family Friends of Scouting campaigns, and spring and fall product sales. This trend occurred in almost every council in the country. An example of this is that 58% of our units participate in the council-supported product sales where part of those funds supports the units as well as the council operations.
  • Increased maintenance, insurance, and utility costs at the HOVC Scout Reservation have increased.
  • The Council fees will not increase on April 1, 2024.

The fee increases will fund the following:

  • Free Adult Training for the following courses: IOLS, BALOO, Basic Leader Trainings.
  • There will no longer be a $25 fee for trash disposal at camp for units at Cub Adventure Camp and Camp T Brady Saunders (the HOVC Scout Reservation Camp in Goochland).
  • We will continue to provide free Eagle Scout kits to any  Scout earning their Eagle Rank.
  • We will continue to provide free Leader Recognition knots and awards for registered leaders.
  • All District Pinewood Derby events will be free.
  • To help increase participation, we will provide $1,000 towards District Camporees to reduce the cost to Scouts and Leaders.
  • We will increase our budgets for Assistance to families who need financial support for registration and camp scholarships.

A Scout is thrifty!  We are proud to offer our annual Popcorn & Peanut and Camp Card fundraisers to help Scouts pay their way.  Register your unit to participate by visiting our Popcorn & Peanut site and the Camp Card site.

No, there will not be any prorated fees. All new members and all renewals will be on a 12-month membership renewal.

Yes, the unit can still renew in whatever month you choose, the only change is, members are not directly tied to the charter renewal. Example: If you start a new unit in April, you can still short term the unit charter to December (the 6 months to 18-month rule will still be enforced for units).

Rechartering will look almost the same in 2023 for units.  The only difference will be in how you handle any new members that joined on or after August 1, 2023.

For members that joined prior to August 1, 2023, you will recharter as normal.  You will collect money from the member/family and complete the online charter as you have in past years.

For members that joined on or after August 1, 2023, you will still recharter them in the normal process, but you will NOT collect money from them.  In the recharter process, you will see that they have “Pre-Paid”.  So they will be listed on the charter, but no funds will be collected and submitted by the unit.

For members that have been members PRIOR to August 1, 2023, your 2024-2025 renewal will be due when you would normally recharter in 2023.  For units, that is most likely December 31, 2024.  For district/council positions and Merit Badge Counselors, that is June 30, 2024.  Those dates will be your new “anniversary date”.

For members that join AFTER August 1, 2023, your anniversary date will be the date you joined.

In both cases, you will receive emails starting 60 days prior to your membership expiration.  You will have the option to pay online or opt-out (i.e., not renew).

To simplify the unit charter process, membership renewals will no longer be tied to the unit charter process; beginning for units expiring in March 2024; units will still renew their charters separate from their membership. The process will be much simpler as the system will validate the unit leadership and verify the unit has the minimum required youth and adults. The COR and council will approve the leadership, the unit will approve the charter, and the unit will submit the annual unit charter renewal fee of $100.

No, the membership renewal will be in the month the person joined. In the first few years of this new process, most of the renewals will be in the month you historically rechartered your units in, but over time we expect that will shift to the August – October period as these are the month’s most new members join.

In the past, a member would pay upon joining and then would be included in the annual recharter of the unit. Previously, units would collect money from members and pay for the renewal all at one time prior to the recharter deadline.

Going forward, the default will be that members will be responsible for paying their annual membership fees on the anniversary of their join date. For example, if Joe Scout joins in September 2023, Joe (or Joe’s family) will receive a notification prior to September 2024 with instructions on how to pay annual membership prior to the anniversary date.

Notifications will be sent to members/families at 60, 30, 15, 7 and 1 day prior to the anniversary date of the member. They can either pay online with Credit Card or Opt-Out to choose not to renew.

In 2023-2024, the above applies to members that join on or after August 1, 2023. For existing members, the above would take effect after March 2024.

Both youth and adult leaders will be included in email notifications to the unit Key-3 monthly as to who is due to renew and who has renewed. In addition, the roster in Scoutbook and My.Scouting will indicate the registration status of the member.

Email notifications are sent to the individual, COR, Committee Chair, and the Key Leader  (Cubmaster / Scoutmaster / Advisor / Skipper); the unit should be able to identify that an individual is due to renew and can work with the individual to complete their renewal. Units are encouraged to update email contact information in Scoutbook. Should someone miss this process the council can pull a Non-Renewed Membership Report in My.Scouting.

The unit will have the option to change the setting in My.Scouting which will tell the system that member renewals are due, and the unit will pay for it, like many units do today with recharter. The unit would have a Credit Card or ACH pre-set and each month membership fees are due; they would automatically be paid. A “pay at the council office” option will also be available. This will only be for renewals, not new members. The unit will have an “opt-out” option to not renew a member too.

There will be a one-month lapse period and then the Scout/Adults will be dropped. A notification will go to the individual/parent and the unit indicating that the person is dropped.

It is important that all youth be registered in a timely manner. This ensures coverage for both general liability insurance and secondary accident and sickness insurance. All youth participating in BSA programs are covered by insurance. A Scout must register to continue participation in the program.

After the one-month lapse period, those who fail to register will need to complete a new application for membership.

The council is able to run the Non-Renewed Membership Report and see expired youth and adults.

Yes, Merit Badge Counselors are required to register, take Youth Protection, and pay an annual $25 fee. Merit badge counselors are not registered in a unit position and therefore are not allowed to attend overnight Scouting activities/events.

Merit Badge Counselors are renewed on July 1 of each calendar year, so you will receive a notification 60 days prior to that date instructing you on how to renew as a counselor.  At that time, if you are not registered in another paid BSA position (excluding Nova/Supernova counselors/mentors), you will pay your $25 annual fee.

No, the Merit Badge Counselor is not a unit position. If a merit badge counselor wants to participate in unit activities and camp overnight activities, they must be registered in a qualified unit position.

You cannot register as a Merit Badge Counselor for $25, then multiple for a unit position at that cost.  An adult must register in a qualified unit position and then they can multiple as a Merit Badge Counselor.

National will create a video that will walk leaders and charter organizations through the new charter process.

Additional Resources

Unit & Membership Renewal