Hill Family Flag Plaza

In Memory of

Al Hill

50 Years of Improving Boys Lives through Scouting

Al Hill was born in 1922 in Baltimore City, Maryland. He grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore graduating from City College High School in May 1940. Shortly there after he started his 4 year apprenticeship at the Bethlehem Steel Sparrow’s Point steel mill formerly of Baltimore, Maryland.

Once finished his apprenticeship he joined the US Navy in May 1944. After training as a Machinist Mate Al was assigned to a Destroyer, #DD 805 the Chevalier, stationed off of Atlantic City patrolling for German submarines. He eventually went to the Pacific when the DD 805 was converted to a picket boat protecting aircraft carriers. He was discharged in late 1945 as the war was winding down.

After the war Al went back to Bethlehem Steel quickly working his way up to General Repair Foreman, BOF project leader and eventually Assistant Master Mechanic. Al was proud of his 40 years maintaining operating equipment at the Sparrows Point steel mill, which during his career, was the largest steel plant in the world.

Al first joined Scouting as a committee member in 1958 to support his son Will’s Cub Scout adventures in Pack 746, Fullerton, Maryland. We suspect at the urging of his wife Kay who had agreed to be Den Mother. When Will joined Boy Scouts a few years later, Al’s friends convinced him to become Troop 746 committee chair, a job he held for almost 10 years.

Al later became Unit, then District Commissioner for the Dulaney district outside of Baltimore, MD. He held this last position until he moved to Virginia in 2008.

Al served his ordeal for the Vigil Honor of the Order of the Arrow on a cold night in October 1992 at age 70 at Broad Creek Scout Reservation in Whiteford Maryland. He was also an active participant in Woodbadge, often traveling with a group of friends to Canada to participate in Woodbadge Camporees. Al was awarded the Silver Beaver by the Baltimore Area Council in 1984 in recognition of his service to Scouting. During his 50 years in Scouting Al was most proud of his role in welcoming many Eagles into Scouting.

Al was the devoted husband for 69 years to his wife Kay, loving father of his son Will and daughter Kathy. He was also the proud grandfather of Jonathan, David, Jennifer, Erin and Rebecca and great-grandfather of Owen, Phoebe, Aubrey, Warren, Tabitha, Caroline, Ayla, and Livia.

Al passed away in October of 2017, but to the end, his work in Scouts was one of his proudest accomplishments.
  • Al Hill
  • Al Hill in Uniform
  • Al Hill Eagle COH
  • Al Hill Family 3
  • Al Hill Family
  • Al Hill Family 2
In Memory of

Brad Peebles

Devoted Scouter of 54 Years, Educator and Outdoorsman
Brad Peebles was born in 1953 in Petersburg, Virginia. He graduated from Petersburg High School in 1971, then went on to graduate as a Co-op student from Virginia Tech in 1975 with a BS in Horticulture. He started his career as a nurseryman running Shoosmiths Nursery but his love of science and kids led him to become a teacher in Chesterfield County Public Schools. In 1992 he received his Master’s in School Administration from VCU. He served in many capacities over his 35-year tenure retiring as Principal of the Chesterfield Juvenile Detention Center in 2012. The Juvenile Detention Education Center was renamed the W.Bradbury Peebles Education Center in his honor and memory in 2019.
Brad served as the James River Soil and Water Conservation Director from 1992 to 1995. He was also an Elder in both 2nd Presbyterian Church of Petersburg, VA and Chester Presbyterian Church. In 2016, he led a campaign to fund major improvements to the Chester Presbyterian Church that significantly exceeded the original target.
Brad started his Scouting adventure in 1964 as a member of troop 175 in Petersburg, VA. He earned the honor of Eagle Scout and God and Country in 1968 and the Order of the Arrow in 1969. Even through college he continued to be an active assistant Scout Master in troop 175. He then became Scoutmaster of 175 in Petersburg and a mentor to many Eagles until the late 1970’s. Brad earned his Woodbadge beads in 1978 then became assistant Woodbadge course director in 1980 and 1982. He received the Award of Merit in 1980 from the Boy Scouts of America. In 1998 he again became a Scoutmaster, this time of Troop 877 in Chester, VA.
Brad was the loving husband of 42 years to his wife Kathy and father of his twin daughters Erin and Rebecca. He was a devoted son and son-in-law to his parents and wife’s parents. His family always came first.
He was one who thrived on sharing his knowledge, skills and love of nature. His legacy lasts through the results of his leadership and the lessons he passed on to his students and Scouts. He truly lived by the Scout law in his professional, religious and personal life. Brad ended his Earthly adventures in July 2018.
  • Brad Peebles Hill Family Flag Plaza
  • Brad Peebles Uniform
  • Brad Peebles Uniform 2
  • Brad Peebles Camping
  • Brad Peebles Bridge
  • Brad Peebles Owl
The Hill Family Flag Plaza is located at Camp T. Brady Saunders