Huguenot Trail

Huguenot Trail District Service Area

The Huguenot Trail District includes the part of Chesterfield County north of Powhite Parkway and Old Hundred Road, and the counties of Powhatan, Cumberland, Buckingham, and Prince Edward.

If you are interested in joining Scouting in the area, volunteering at the district level, or have any questions, please contact our Senior District Director.

Community Leaders – Key 3

District Executive
Zachary Hite

District Commissioner:
Mike Milone

District Chairman:

Order of the Arrow, Witchindin Chapter:
Dave Sanders

District Camporee

District Camporee is camping fun for youth, the thumping of hundreds of feet on the way to an evening campfire, and the blue smoke from fires cooking stew or ham and eggs. It’s the patter of rain on many tents at night. It’s the ripple of wind-blown flags in the morning sun. It’s catching the idea of teamwork in a patrol. It’s learning to carry out an order to help the team succeed. A camporee starts with the recognition that a patrol is the basic camping unit. The patrol demonstrates its very best camping techniques and shares its experiences with other patrols. The camporee involves the type of equipment that can be carried in a pack by scouts and can be set up entirely by scouts, allowing them to be completely self-sufficient for a self-reliant experience over a period of two or three days.

History of our Campfire Ashes

District Pinewood Derby

Huguenot Trail’s “District Pinewood Derby” is held every February after the Packs have had a chance to run their own derbies.

Webelos / AOL Scouts Transition Day

The History and Purpose of Webelos Transition Day

The transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts is a time when we lose a large percentage of our cub scouts and one of the primary reasons is that youth and parents are not familiar with how different boy scouting is from Cub Scouting and the wonderful opportunities awaiting. Recognizing this issue, in the mid 1990’s, Scoutmaster Rodney Parsons of Troop 800 initiated a Webelos to Scout Transition Day to demonstrate the fun and opportunities of Scouting. The troop expanded the event to include District and other troops to increase the number of boys who could benefit from the experience. This day is a perfect opportunity for troops across the District to volunteer at a station and meet Webelos ready to cross over. It is also an opportunity for Webelos to meet the Scouts of several different troops in a fun and engaging environment.

Scouts move through different events. At each event, they are given safety and event specific instructions. Adult leaders are present to ensure all the safety rules are followed, but the hands-on training is provided by Troop-level Scouts – Scouts teaching Cubs.

This event was featured in the August 2013 issue of Boy’s Life Magazine and has been covered numerous times by local newspapers.

All Webelos and AOL Scouts, parents and their leaders are welcome and encouraged to come out for a day of fun-filled activities designed to help transition boys and girls from Cub Scouts to Scouts. Meet and greet prospective Scouts BSA Troops and see what Scouts is all about.

District Award of Merit

Nominations are now being accepted for The District Award of Merit which is presented by councils upon recommendation of the district.
Nominees must:

  • be registered Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level.
  • have given “noteworthy service to youth,” either inside or outside of Scouting—or both.
  • have gone beyond the duties of their volunteer position.
  • maintain a positive attitude and work in cooperation with the district and council.

You can’t nominate yourself, but if you know anyone who should be considered for this award, please click the link below for a form.

All nominations should be submitted to Scott Bailey, District Advancement Chair.

Past Recipients

2022Elliott Drew Quinn
2021Bill Confroy
2020James ChildressGeoff Gangloff
2019Jamie QuinnMichael Sos
2018Frank HowardEric Johnson
2016David RobinsonMike Davis
2015HC DavisKathleen DunnDan Maloy
2014Dee KlotzJesus Portillo
2012William Mulvihill, IIJeannie ClaytorFred Klotz
2011Gary ThompsonPat McDonoughDywana Saunders-ConfroyBrooks Zerkel
2010Bennie GoodHeather B. Mulvihill
2009Lee AdcockCindy MorrisScott Street
2008Scott baileyEvans DrakePaul Lovell
2007William CovingtonKelly CummingsChristine LovellRobert “Bob” PrestonLinda Milone
2006John AllenKeith HurleyMichael Milone

The District Commissioner represents the district as a member of the council commissioner cabinet and leads the commissioner staff in unit visitations. They oversee the unit charter renewal plan so that each unit reregisters on time and with optimum membership. District Commissioners guide roundtable commissioners to ensure that monthly roundtables are well-attended, and provide practical and exciting unit program ideas. As a Key 3 they help meet district goals and support local and national Scouting policy, procedures, and practices.

Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church
Room 214 above the Old Chapel
last Thursday of each ODD month
7:00-8:30 pm
Enter the building using the ramp off the courtyard next to the pergola.

District Committee

At District Committee, leaders mobilize resources to ensure the growth and success of Scouting units within the district’s territory. Members of the District Committee are volunteers. The district trains adult volunteers, provides district programs for units (such as Day Camp, Camporees, Klondike Derby, Merit Badge College, to name a few), assists in the formation of new units, and helps coordinate the annual giving campaign.  Please join us at our District Committee meeting this month.

Trinity United Methodist Church
third Wednesday of each month
7:00-8:30 pm

District Leadership Structure

The district Key 3 consists of the District Chair (Bill Eggleston), District Commissioner (Luke Vetti), and Senior District Executive (Geoff Angle). They meet as often as necessary to ensure proper coordination of the work of the district (probably twice a month for about an hour). The district’s purpose is to support units to ensure that our youth members get the best possible Scouting experience in the safest possible environment. The best way to ensure this is to make sure that all units show continuous improvement in Journey to Excellence. The District Key 3 also keep in close telephone contact throughout the month and usually work together in building the agenda for the district committee meeting.

District Committee Members

District Chair
District Vice-ChairBill Mulvihill
District CommissionerMichael
District Director (Interim)Matt
Communications ChairCharles
Advancement ChairScott
+ Advancement CommitteeDavid Clark, Sarah Ruppel Lee, Charles Powers, Jeff Morris, David Robinson, Brian Long, Allen Dodd, Elizabeth Johnson, Edgar Jones
Activities Chair
+ Fall Day of Service Co-ChairAbigail Davis
+ Fall Day of Service Co-ChairSarah Ruppel
+ Backpacks of Love ChairStephen Feher
+ District Awards Chair
Camping ChairVincent
Finance ChairBill Mulvihill
+ Camp CardsSandy Sanders
+ Community CelebrationBill
+ FOS ChairBill Mulvihill
+ FOS Community Chair
+ FOS Banquet Chair
+ FOS Community Celebration ChairBill
+ Product ChairSandy
Membership ChairBenjamin Peason Nelson
+ New Unit Coordinator
+ JSN Coordinator
+ Webelos to Scout Transition ChairJamie
Training ChairBill
+ BALOO TrainingPat Meadows
+ Den Chief TrainingMelissa Eggleston
+ Den Leader Training
+ IOLS TrainingTom Clayton
+ Scoutmaster TrainingTom Clayton
Program Chair
+ Fall Camporee ChairBill
+ Fall Camporee Committee
+ OA Chapter AdvisorDave
+ Pinewood DerbyBill
+ Webelos / AOL TransitionJamie Quinn
Nominating Committee
District Members at LargeJames Wesdock, Amanda Foster, Thomas Bryan, Eric Johnson, Shaun Woolmer, Heather Mulvihill, Samuel Bartle, Herbert Adams, Frank Howard, Thomas Clayton

District Commissioner Corps

ADC- denotes Asst. District Commissioner
UC-denotes Unit Commissioner

ADC- denotes Asst. District Commissioner
UC-denotes Unit Commissioner

Position / UnitVolunteer(s)
District CommissionerLuke Vetti
ADC Roundtables (RT)Heather Mulvihill
+ Cub Scout RT CommissionerBill Mulvihill
+ Assistant Cub RT CommissionerDrew Quinn
+ Scout BSA RT CommissionerFrank Howard
+ Assistant Scout BSA RT CommissionerVacant
+ Crew RT CommissionerVacant
+ Assistant Crew RT CommissionerVacant
ADC PacksMike Milone
UC Pack 836Bill Eggleston
UC Pack 861Bill Confroy
UC Pack 876
UC Pack 893Linda Milone
UC Pack 1811James Childress
UC Pack 1823Eric Johnson
UC Pack 1825Mike Milone
UC Pack 1832Eric Johnson
UC Pack 1833
UC Pack 1838Eric Johnson
UC Pack 1891Andy Clark
UC Pack 1892Mike Milone
UC Pack 6296Eric Eberly
UC Pack 6535
UC Pack 6560
ADC Troops
UC Troop 800
UC Troop 832
UC Troop 840Andy Clark
UC Troop 845
UC Troop 869
UC Troop 876
UC Troop 888Dywana Saunders-Confroy
UC Troop 897
UC Troop 1818
UC Troop 1823Eric Johnson
UC Troop 1829Dywana Saunders-Confroy
UC Troop 133
UC Troop 1838
UC Troop 1859
UC Troop 1891
UC Troop 1892
UC Troop 1893Linda Milone
UC Troop 6516Eric Eberly
UC Troop 6535Eric Eberly
UC Troop 6596Eric Eberly
Latest News

The Huguenot Trail District strives for excellent communication. We share information on Facebook and Constant Contact through our Council’s Friday Five and Courier newsletters. If you would like to receive information from us, please click the button below.

Order of the Arrow

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Each BSA council has a corresponding OA lodge. The OA Lodge for the Heart of Virginia Council is the Nawakwa Lodge. Huguenot Trail’s OA Chapter is the Witchindin Chapter. To find out more about the Order of the Arrow visit

The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:

  • To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives
  • To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit
  • To promote Scout camping
  • To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others

The Witchindin Chapter meets on 3rd Thursdays of each month (except July) at 7:00pm at Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church in Midlothian.

Dave Sanders, OA Chapter Advisor

Huguenot Trail District Roundtable

Roundtable is a monthly program for leaders to pick up new skills and information that they can take back to their Pack, Troop or Crew. If you are a registered leader, please join us at our District Roundtable.

St. John Neumann Catholic Church
first Thursday of each month
7:00-8:30 pm

Jamie Quinn, Roundtable Commissioner

Training – Council / District Provided

Anyone can attend any Council or District training. See our Training Calendar.

Training – National Resources

Training for adults, provided by National, include Youth Protection Training, Position-Specific Courses, Supplemental Training (Roundtable), Outdoor Skills Training (BALOO and IOLS), Train-the-Trainer Courses, Committee Training, and more.

Bill Eggleston, Training Chair

Additional Resources

BSA Structure (PDF)
Council Calendar