Joshua Irizarry

National Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight
Joshua Irizarry-Díaz

From September 15th to October 15th, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month.  This special month celebrates the cultures, contributions, and histories of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Heart of Virginia Council is honored to spotlight the Scouting journey of Eagle Scout, Joshua Irizarry-Díaz in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, and we invite you to join us in learning more about Joshua’s story and experience in Scouting in his own words.

I know for sure that I would not be the same person I am today without Scouting.  Through the Scouting program, I have been exposed to hobbies, career options, service, sports, leadership opportunities, and employment. It has made me more confident, inquisitive, and interested in challenging myself with new situations, whether that be in terms of leadership, in a personal goal or in the community. Scouting’s impact has permeated through my whole process of how I view life, including influencing my choice of career in the field of environmental science and renewable sources.

I remember the first time I saw a Cub Scout dressed in full uniform. I was four years old attending a Taekwondo class. The scout was a sibling of a classmate. I wanted to know everything about it. I couldn’t wait to camp! Two years later, Mr. James Johnson showed up at lunch time in my school with a flyer, I took it home. Two days later my parents went to the orientation, the following week I was in full uniform in my first cub scout meeting. The rest is history.

The program has something for everyone. I have always been the kind of person that wants to do as much as he can. As a Cub Scout, I earned the Super Achiever Award, the Arrow of Light and completed two Religious Emblems. As a Boy Scout, I earned Eagle Rank, Hornaday Badge, Neptune Award and the Gram Slam Award. In my troop, I decided to specialize in aquatics and conservation, helping other scouts achieving their goals.
There are so many memories to choose from. For Cub Scouting, my favorites were the annual pinewood derby, Scouting for Food, Cub-O-Ree, and Cub Scout Summer Camp.  For Boy Scout level, the high adventure trips, learning to scuba dive and working at the aquatic front in summer camp.

If I had to choose one activity in my whole scouting career, it must be working in summer camp. It has been the opportunity that I felt challenged and prepared me the most for the future, as well as given me the most real-life leadership experience. It gave me tremendous satisfaction teaching scouters how to swim and be safe in the water.

Joshua was inducted into the Order of the Arrow and earned his Eagle Scout rank with an additional 11 palms in April of 2019.  For his project, he planned and constructed a gaga Ball Pit for Our Lady of Lourdes School in Richmond.  He earned the William T. Hornaday Badge Award in the summer of 2021 after planning, designing and executing a conservation project that removed English Ivy from the ground and trees along Reedy Creek in the James River Park Systems.  That same summer, he also received the 50th Anniversary Environmental Protection Agency Award in recognition of his research about human health and the environment.

He also earned the Neptune Society Award for Excellence in Scout Aquatics (2020), the Grand Slam of High Adventure Award (2021), Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award (2020), and the National Outdoor Award (2018-2020).  He has been a member of the National Eagle Scout Association since 2019.  He has also served as a Swim Instructor and Lifeguard at Camp T. Brady Saunders and has served as  Leave No Trace Trainer for the Virginia Headwaters Council.

Outside of Scouting, Joshua has earned the Henrico Way Award (2022), Science and Environmental Seal (2022), Board of Education STEM Seal (2022), and the Community Service Diploma Seal (2022) from Henrico High School.  He is also a Junior Advanced Open Water Diver (2019).

Joshua, you are an inspiration!  We would like to thank you and your family for your incredible contributions to Scouting here in Central Virginia, and wish you the best on all of your future endeavors… which we are certain will be overwhelming successes!