Ian Coddington Receives the Distinguished Citizen Award
Scouting in the Heart of Virginia wouldn’t be the same without Ian Coddington. From the moment he put on a Cub Scout uniform in 1946, Ian has embodied the spirit of Scouting—as a leader, mentor, and adventurer.
With over 60 years of service, Ian has:
• Guided 400+ Eagle Scouts
• Served as Scoutmaster of Troop 444 for decades
• Helped launch the COPE program at Camp T. Brady Saunders
• Led countless treks to Philmont
• And earned top honors like the Silver Beaver Award and Vigil Honor
Ian’s legacy reaches beyond Scouting—as an Army veteran, teacher, YMCA director, and community leader. His story even includes outsmarting a moose at an Alaskan golf course!
In March, Ian was a guest on TODAY with Jenna & Friends in a segment celebrating the Heart of Virginia Council’s ScoutReach program. Ian served as proud Scoutmaster for Jenna’s husband, Eagle Scout Henry Hager, and was on hand to surprise Henry and present him with a Scouting America flag, signed by the current Scouts of Troop 444.
We’re proud to name Ian Coddington our 2025 Distinguished Citizen, and look forward to formally presenting him with this award at our 2025 Friends of Scouting Dinner on April 8th. Thank you, Ian, for your lifetime of service, adventure, and heart.
Ian Coddington’s Scouting Career
Scouting would not exist without the dedication of our volunteers. One volunteer who exemplifies what it means to be both a Scout and a leader is Ian Coddington. Ian’s journey with Scouting began in 1946, when he first donned the Cub Scout uniform. He became a Boy Scout in 1952 and joined Explorer Scouting in 1954.
While Fredericksburg, VA, is Ian’s hometown, his family moved frequently throughout his childhood, living in Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, back to Richmond, and then to Oklahoma, before settling back in Virginia in 1957. He attended St. Christopher’s School, where he excelled as an athlete, participating in wrestling, track, and football. However, his true passion was the outdoors.
Ian graduated from St. Christopher’s in 1960 and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in developmental psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. After college, Ian joined the Army, spending two of his six years stationed in Alaska. His time in Alaska deepened his love for adventure and the outdoors. One memorable adventure occurred when Ian had a day off and went to play golf at the Moose Run Golf Course. Midway through the course, a young moose charged onto the fairway and headed straight for Ian. Thinking quickly, Ian sprinted 20 yards to the nearest tree, climbed it, and waited as the moose bumped and shook the tree for over 15 minutes. Just as Ian thought the danger had passed and climbed down, the moose returned, leading Ian to take refuge in the tree again. The ordeal lasted for three hours before the moose finally wandered off, earning Moose Run Golf Course its name.
After his time in the Army, Ian returned to the Richmond area and became involved with Boy Scout Troop 744, which later became Troop 444. He served as an Assistant Scoutmaster and held the role of Scoutmaster twice, from 1967-1972 and again from 1984-2012. Ian remains an active Assistant Scoutmaster to this day.
A passionate hiker and backpacker, Ian has visited Philmont Scout Ranch over 20 times, either with his own troop or leading the Heart of Virginia Council Contingent. He also served as Scoutmaster for two National Jamboree Troops, in 1985 and 2010, and was the first COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) Director at Camp T. Brady Saunders. Ian was also on the Executive Board of the Heart of Virginia Council from 2013-2018.
Ian’s contributions to Scouting have been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the Scouter’s Key, the District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver Award, the Scoutmaster Award of Merit, and the Cross and Flame Award from the United Methodist Church. He is a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow and earned his Wood Badge beads in 1996, serving on the staff of three Wood Badge courses.
In addition to his Scouting work, Ian has had an impactful career in the community. He served as Youth Director and eventually Executive Director at the Tuckahoe Family YMCA. He then returned to St. Christopher’s as the Alumni Director. Later, he taught ethics at The Steward School and served as Dean of Students for 26 years before retiring. Ian has also served on the boards of the Boys Club and the YMCA and has been an American Red Cross instructor and trainer for over 25 years. He was on the Advisory Committee for the Tuckahoe YMCA, the Grounds and Building Committee for the Garth Newel Music Center, and served as the past
President of the Richmond Rugby Club. Ian also coached for the Richmond Strikers Soccer Club.
Ian has been married for over 39 years. He has one daughter and a brand-new grandson.
It is difficult to measure the impact Ian has had on Scouting. From the over 400 Eagle Scouts in Troop 444 that have benefited from his guidance and mentorship to his creation of the first COPE course at Camp T. Brady Saunders to the many miles hiked and backpacked with Scouts in his own Troop and across the Council, Ian has truly left his mark on Scouting. For his unwavering dedication to Scouting, the Heart of Virginia Council is proud to name Ian Coddington as our 2025 Distinguished Citizen.