Shooting Sports Classes Now Available
The renovations of the Shooting Sports Facility at Camp T. Brady Saunders are well underway, and we expect to break ground in late fall 2025 with the full facility completed by Summer Camp 2026. Once the new facility is opened, we will need additional qualified supervision.
To qualify to teach Rifle or Shotgun merit badge and to supervise scouts on a pistol marksmanship range, you must be an NRA certified instructor for the firearm. A certificate showing completion of the basic course is required for registration for the instructor’s course. Additionally, a range safety officer is required to be present on the range as well. The Range Safety Officer Class will be held on May 5.
Instructor classes in pistol, rifle and shotgun are planned for this spring. Pistol March 8, Rifle March 29, and Shotgun April 17. To enroll in these classes, you must have completed the basic course in each category. Basic classes will be held on the following dates. Basic Pistol Feb 22, Basic Rifle March 1, and Basic Shogun April 5.
Links below will take you to the NRA website where you can register in the class or classes.
All training takes place at Camp T. Brady Saunders.