Unit & Membership Renewal

Previously referred to as “Recharter”

To: The Key 3 of all units in the Heart of Virginia Council

The purpose of this communication is to let you know that the process formerly known as recharter has undergone a change. With the new process of 12-month annual membership renewal instead of everyone renewing at year-end for the coming year, the result has brought about a change in membership renewal as well as unit renewal, (previously referred to as unit recharter).

All email addresses must be correct!

The new membership policy of registering for 12 months began last year at about this time. Emails will be sent from Scouting America national office to the unit’s Key 3 as well as to the parents of Scouts when it is time to renew their membership. Therefore, it is crucial for all registered adults and the parents of all registered Scouts to have their most recent email address listed in their My.Scouting profile. If you need assistance with this process, please reach out to your Unit Commissioner, Round Table Commissioner or District Commissioner.

Unit Renewal

Unit renewal will open in the system for our Council on November 1st, 2024, and will need to be completed no later than December 20th. The unit renewal process has been greatly simplified, and we will be sending out more information about that process soon.

More Details

If you would like to learn more about the whole membership and unit renewal process, the Heart of Virginia Council is putting together a training course with the most current and correct information available and plan to have it available by the end of July. Keep your eye on the Friday Five and Courier newsletters as they will be containing updates on membership and unit renewal.

If you need assistance with the membership renewal process or unit renewal process, please reach out to our commissioner staff. We are here to help!

Jim Ewan
Assistant Council Commissioner-Renewal